Cybersecurity Talent in the UK

Insight Series - Technology
In this report, we deal with both the demand and supply aspects of talent. A ready-reckoner for the audience, this report covers the overall Cybersecurity talent market, technology trends, recruitment challenges, and evolving best practices.
On the demand side the report highlights key job roles and provides an estimate on the number of professionals working in the UK. We have analyzed the likely causes of shortage of talent, the current state within the UK and the key challenges that affect recruitment efforts.
On the supply side we have assessed how Outsourcing/Managed Security Services/SOC is addressing talent crunch and analyzed the evolving recruitment practices. This report also provides a detailed overview of the Government-led initiatives to augment talent availability. Tracking service provider strategies, we have conducted a deep-dive analysis on various innovative recruitment practices adopted by large IT consulting providers, global system integrators and the Big 4 Consulting companies.